Operations and Communications Manager
Dallas Arts District Foundation is seeking qualified applicants for the position of Operations and Communications Manager. The Operations and Communications Manager for the Dallas Arts District supports the Dallas Arts District (DAD) raising awareness of the organization and promoting the DAD through marketing supervision, special events/project management, media, and partnerships/sponsorships. The Operations and Communication Manager is a versatile, self-starting project manager who is detail oriented, able to multi-task, and strong in an independent, rapidly developing role. Excellent writing, organization and communication skills are required. In addition, basic accounting and bookkeeping skills are necessary to assist the Executive Director with monthly financial reports.
Full job description is found HERE.
Please send résumé with references and a cover letter to Lily Cabatu Weiss, Executive Director, lilyweiss@dallasartsdistrict.org, with your Last Name, Operations and Communications Manager in the subject. For questions, call (214) 744-6639.